
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Repurposing Too Little Jeans to Skirt

Before and After

   While I was cleaning out my closets the other day, I found this pair of old work jeans that were too small and had tapered legs (which are not flattering on me at all).  So I decided to refashion them into a comfy, sturdy skirt for around the farm and such (since the jeans already had some paint on them) after finding a few scraps of denim material in all of my sewing supplies.

   I had taken a bunch of pictures on how the whole process worked from start to finish, but somehow they accidentally got deleted, sorry :(.  I hope though that maybe you can see from these how I did it.

   For the center on the front, I sewed strips of lighter denim randomly across the triangle before attaching it to the jeans' legs.  On the back though, I just simply attached the triangle to the jeans.
I love refashioning clothes and one great thing about turning jeans into a skirt is that the waist band is already perfect!  (and most of the hemming is already done which are two of my worst pieces to work as a seamstress).
It turned out so great and I absolutely love the way that it fits :).  Originally the pants were only $.98 from the thrift store, so that makes it even more awesome to have a brand new skirt with little to no cost in it, and it's always so much fun to wear something knowing that you made it yourself!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Braided Headband Ponytail / / Hair Tutorial

Hey y'all!  I'm so excited 'cause this is my first hair tutorial to post.  My sister-in-law Gina and I went ice skating today and later in the afternoon rode our bikes for a while.  So I needed an active kind of hairdo that would keep my hair out of the way, but was still fun!  I know fall is here (wahoo!) and the heat of summer is almost over, but being in Alabama, we will still have a few more reasons to get our hair off our necks.  I used this "braided headband ponytail" a lot this summer.  It is an especially great style, since it is also a natural hair headband and keeps every little hair out of your face (awesome for riding with the truck windows down).

 First, you flip your hair to one side (I did it towards the right of my head).

 This style is just a twist on a regular french braid.  First, starting at your
ear, collect three strands of hair to get the braid started. 
 Begin french braiding the piece, but only add hair from the front of your face.

 Braid across the top of your head and down to the other ear.
Next keep braiding it, but don't add any more hair at that point.
 Secure braid with elastic band as shown here.
(Please pardon all of my strange facial expressions)
Next pull it all up into a high ponytail

 Secure it all up with an elastic band and remove the
rest of the braid that was still in the ponytail.
And voila! your done :).

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday Dress Shirt for Gavin

Gavin Ray Wright is our now 3 1/2 month old baby boy and (in our opinion) is so cute!  His grandma (Jesse's mother) made this absolutely, adorable, Sunday dress shirt for him :).

 Here are few pictures so you can see it a little better.

 She hand sewed the whole thing and it turned
out so great!

 This denim piece was added to the bottom of his little shirt
and attaches back to it with little velcro strips.

 Complete with official sweet
tiny pocket!

 The buttons are from Gavin's great great grandmother's
button collection making it even extra special:).

Gavin with his grandma and the seamstress.

Here he is at a church singing in
his new little dress shirt with his daddy.

Check out our family farm blog to
see more about the singing and tons more

Thanks for visiting and I hope you liked it!

Friday, September 19, 2014


   Welcome to this blog!  In this post I will try to briefly explain my reason for what I'm doing here and what's coming in the near future.  I would like to encourage girl's and ladies of all ages in some of the most common subjects that affect our daily lives from a Christian perspective.
      ~I hope to share things such as Christian modesty fashion ideas that are pretty
            as well as pleasing to the Lord,
     ~Hair tutorials
     ~Cooking delicious meals for your family on a tight budget
     ~Young mother ideas (because I am one :) )
     ~Beauty tips
     ~Encouragement and inspiration for young ladies
     ~And lots more!

   One of the main things that have been on my heart since I was about twelve years old is modesty.  I love to dress beautifully, yet also decent and in a way that I feel is honoring to God.  Clothing is one of women's main troubles; no matter what your age, it is something that we all must deal with.

   Clothes are one of the first things that people see and that defines us.  You can tell a lot about a person simply by what they are wearing.  Clothes shouldn't be something that totally consumes us, yet is something that we should be aware of.  It should be obvious as to whether or not we follow our Lord Jesus Christ by our appearance and attitude as well as by our words.

   In the present day "modesty movement" I see a few problems.  I'm afraid that we are spending more time arguing with one another about how short is too short for skirts, whether to wear pants or not, what colors and patterns OK or not, etc., that we are so caught up in the "rules" of modesty that we've somewhat unintentionally veered away from the "heart" behind the clothes.  If we are so self conscience about our appearance and are only being "modest" because we would look out of place otherwise, or just because that's what the cool Christians do, then we are not dressing for the right reasons.  Rather than judging the world, and complaining with each other in our long skirts, we should be striving more toward helping others to see Christ's saving love for them.  Don't get me wrong, I am ALL for dressing modestly, but not just for the sake of what others might think.  We need to be sure we are dressing for the Lord and not for man.  Anyway, I would like to show here from a common everyday life, ways to dress with a Christian purpose that promotes the Kingdom of God.

     I want to give fun fashionable ways to dress modestly and also feature functional and practical clothes that are cute as well modest.  I'm a country girl and do a lot of outdoor work so I hope to give you, from a southerner's perspective, some good ideas for modest clothes that are also practical in the Alabama heat and life on the farm.

   Hair Tutorials: I hope to post things like cool braids, historic hairstyles and ones from my heritage such as Scottish and Irish braids, ways to curl your hair, practical and fancy buns, and so much more!! These are definitely going to be one of my favorite series to post!:-)

   Budget meals is a subject that is constantly on my mind!  I'm a young wife and mother and definitely still learning all of this housekeeping stuff.  Also my husband and I run many home based businesses and are constantly on a crunched budget. So in this series I'll attempt to show y'all how I cook on a $100 a month grocery budget and still eat great yummy food and I'll include some recipes too.  I hope that this series may be helpful to someone :-) .

   "Young mother ideas" (I couldn't really come up with what to call this).  Basically, I hope to give tips and tools that I'm learning on my journey as a new mommy and wife as I learn them and also cool baby stuff I've found as well!

   "Beauty tips",  these will be things like natural face cleansers to aid in getting rid of pimples, healthy hair and skin treatment, and tons more to come in this series!

   Also in addition to everything else, above all I want to provide encouragement to Christian ladies of all ages and in every walk of life;  reminding them of God's unfailing love.  It's easy to get caught up in the stresses and things of this life, but we don't need to loose sight of the joy that is found in Christ! So take time today and be thankful for the little things and remember what all the Lord has done and is doing in your life.  Everything may not be seeming to go as you want, but God sees the bigger picture and has a great plan for your life!

  Thanks so much for stopping by and check back regularly to see what's new :-) !

" Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, Whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8